Nickel is an essential element for numerous industrial processes upon which the world relies. Nickel provides important properties that improve an alloy’s corrosion resistance and its ability to withstand extreme environmental temperatures and stresses.
One of the most important industrial applications of nickel is in the production of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for consumer electronics such as laptops, phones and power tools.
Kemindo Group is watching the nickel market closely to identify the opportunities to keep expanding the business arms.
- Sulphur
- Lime
- Alum
- Ion Exchange Resin
- Water treatment chemicals
As well as other materials such as Fire Aluminized Jacket, jumbo bags etc are some major products we are expanding and we are continue to develop in this important industry.
KemindoEnergy Divproduces Steam Coal with 4500~ 4600 GAR with Low Sulphur.
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