

Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock. It includes the preparation of plant and animal products for people to use and their distribution to markets. In this division, we have three main products to offer : Starches, Crude Palm Oil and Organic Fertilizer.

Having Green Concept factory in North Sumatra, our Tapioca Starch is using cassava as raw materials and produced with Latest Europe technology . To fulfill the cassava demand, we have starting to have cassava plantation in North Sumatra.

Working with Riau nearby Palm Oil Mills, and having our Storage Tank , we are exporting CPO to some countries since 2020.

Our organic fertilizer is well-known in Sumatra Island in supporting Palm Oil Plantation and have proven in increasing productivity amongst the farmers.

Please CONTACT US for further details on our solutions to your inquiries.

what we offer

some areas of from our product/service


Under PT. Indo Balai Green Energy, we produce and sell Tapioca Starch for various industries, especially Paper industry and Food Processing Plant. The Factory is located on Sumatra island. With Europe latest technology, the plant have zero waste / Energy neutral (Plant is operating with its own energy using biogas technology).

Crude Palm Oil

Kemindo is also exporter of Palm Oil. Working with Palm Oil Mill and having Storage Tank , combined with Kemindo Logistic department, we are delivering on-spec Palm Oil to customers at timely manner.

Organic Fertilizer

Kemindo specially Organic Fertilizer contains a perfect combination of fast and slow-acting constituents. Most of the nutrients are released gradually over a period of time. Our Organic Fertilizer has a high micro element and organic matter content, which means the presence of essential trace elements that contribute substantially to the fertility of the soil.