One Stop Solution is our Motto in Kemindo Logistic, we lodge Sea Logistic (Barge & Vessel) Arrangements, trucking as well as Warehouse Management with All in Total Solution.
Under company PT. Karunia Samudera Indonesia , Kemindo Group have one stop solution from Land transportation to Sea transportation.
Thanks to Trucking department in delivering customers’ products such as Coal, Salt, Palm Kernel Shell in timely manner.
Logistic Transhipment is the shipment of goods or containers to an intermediate destination, then to yet another destination.
One possible reason for transhipment is to change the means of transport during the journey (e.g., from ship transport to road transport), known as transloading.
Another reason is to combine small shipments into a large shipment (consolidation), dividing the large shipment at the other end (deconsolidation). Transhipments usually take place in transport hubs.
In addition to experience team, both in trucking and sea logistic arrangement, we also have good management in such a way that we can provide not only solution but also a lower cost.
Please CONTACT US for further details on our solutions to your inquiries.